Stood Up – Part 2

A/N: This is the second part of a multi part story. Go read the first part here! There is a lot of sex here, so if you’re easily offended by that…don’t read it!

I woke sometime deep in the night with his lips on my breasts. Apparently he hadn’t taken the time to appreciate them earlier, so now he lavished his attention on both. Licking, sucking, plucking with his fingers…it didn’t take him very long to have me thrashing and twisting on the sheets again.

Another foil packet was opened and this time he slid into me from behind, still manipulating my nipples as he kissed the spot where my neck met my shoulder. Neither one of us lasted very long and we both passed out again blissfully sated.

I woke to early morning light to find myself draped over him, my face tucked into his throat. I could feel his steady heart beat under my ear and I was content to just lie and drift for a while. My internal clock has always run early and I know most normal people don’t wake at dawn the way I do.

One of his hands was cupping my butt and the other was wrapped around my hips. I felt cared for and appreciated even while he slept.

I was fairly average in size and probably softer than I should be. I wasn’t a very active person, though I moved about regularly with my job and travels, but I didn’t feel like my weight bothered him at all and he seemed to like how soft I was in comparison to his hardness.

Things like this didn’t happen, did they?

I shifted my face up, pressing my lips under his jaw, just below his ear and breathed his heavily masculine scent in. The stubble that I had felt last night was now heavily apparent and I enjoyed rubbing my cheek against it. My long, straight coppery blonde hair was tangled around us and twined with his coarser, curlier black hair. I liked the sight of it like that.

Apparently I’m absolutely shameless the morning after, but what could I say? I hadn’t been happy like this in a while. And if this was only going to be a one-night stand, I was going to enjoy everything I could.

I felt something stiffen against my thigh and I decided that it was my turn.

I slithered down his body and settled between his legs. His erection was cherry red and stiff. He was thick enough that he filled my entire hand. I slipped him into my mouth and savored slowly sucking him down.

He was salty, with just a hint of sweetness. I cupped his balls in one of my hands and enjoyed giving him slow deep swirls and flicks of my tongue.

He groaned and I felt his hands slip into my hair. I took my time and enjoyed every thick inch of him.


I could taste the precum seeping out of the tip of him.

“Gracie…I’m going to come…”

His hips were rocking with my mouth now.

I hummed deep in the back of my throat and I felt him swell and get harder. I crossed my arms over his hips and sucked him as far down the back of my throat as I could get him. Using my throat muscles to swallow him, I felt him finally erupt with a clench of his hands in my hair and a long groan.

His legs went loose and I felt his body relax back into the bed. With one last lick that made him twitch, I let him slide out of my mouth and pulled myself up to rest lightly on his tight belly, running my fingers lightly through his chest hair.

He was still breathing heavily, one long arm thrown across his eyes.

I couldn’t help smiling somewhat smugly.

“Jesus Christ, Gracie…”

I kissed his belly and luxuriated in how wrecked he was.

He reached down and doing a small ab crunch, easily pulled me back up over him, rolling us to our sides. I threw my leg over his hip and smiled at him.

“What a wonderful way to wake up.”

He kissed me and we both lost track of time as we made out. He ended up making his way down me this time and licking me into oblivion too.

A very good morning indeed.


We went to breakfast and I drove him to the airport. Neither one of us seeming to want to part.

He gave me a long kiss at the security check point and I watched him walk away. He didn’t look back.

We hadn’t exchanged phone numbers and I resigned myself to reliving last night for a very long time.

It was a letdown to go home and spend the rest of my weekend dealing with chores and errands.

I lived outside of town on the sea cliffs. I enjoyed my privacy and my large garden.

I had bought an old, drafty Victorian and had slowly fixed it up and made it into exactly what I wanted it to be. Saturday night I sat on my wrap around porch on the porch swing with a stiff drink and lamented that it was unlikely that I would ever meet someone like Anton again. What a spectacular evening.

If nothing else, it gave me something to get myself off to, but afterwards I just felt sort of empty.

I know it was ridiculous to think that I could fall for someone in just one night…but…apparently I did.

I was depressed about it, but there wasn’t anything I could do, so I carried on.

Monday rolled around and I was back at work.

I was trying to sort out another shipping manifesto that had something, somewhere wrong. Things were off by several thousand dollars, but everything matched prices that had been agreed upon, but when I added it all up, it did not match the final price on the invoice. I marked the invoice denied in our system and was instructing our shipping guy to send everything back. I wouldn’t accept items when the prices didn’t match up.

There was a knock on my office door.


I looked up to see that Missy, my bubbly assistant stood in the doorway with a huge vase of chrysanthemums, gladiolas and hydrangeas. It was an odd arrangement, but bold and beautiful.

“These just came for you! Did your date on Friday go well?!”

Missy kept my calendar and usually knew about my dates before I did.

She set the vase on the corner of my desk and I found the notecard hidden amongst the blooms.

I pulled the envelope open and pulled out the simple, elegant card.

I can’t stop thinking of you… ~A

Oh boy…

“Common Grace! Who are they from?”

“Well, my date Friday didn’t go as planned…but I met someone else…”

She drilled me for details, but I didn’t feel like sharing them. It had been too…special. A private moment that I wasn’t ready to talk about yet.

Each day more flowers showed up. Tuesday it was lilies and snapdragons with a note that said I miss sleeping with you sprawled on top of me.

Wednesday brought hyacinth and sunflowers and note that said I can still smell you.

Thursday found me with Gerbera daisies and lilac and I want to see you again, will you…?

“Will you what?” asked Grace, who had been excitedly waiting each day to see what came next. She had only gotten to hear the contents of a few of the notes.

“I don’t know Missy.”

Friday rolled around and I waited with anticipation. I assumed he would finish the question today.

But…there were no special deliveries and I had to admit to myself, I was really disappointed. Maybe he had lost interest after all.

But, just before 5 PM, when I usually leave, there was another knock on the door. Expecting Missy, I yelled “Come in!” and kept working on yet another weird invoice. I had a feeling I would be staying late tonight.

A throat cleared in my doorway…a very familiar throat clearing.

I looked up and found Anton standing in my doorway, holding a large bouquet of white roses and deep blue asters.

My heart picked up and without even thinking about it, I got up and went around my desk to slip into his arms. I didn’t have it in me to play it cool, I was too happy to see him again.

He buried his face in my hair and took a deep breath. I could feel the vase in his other arm against me and stepped back to take it from him, burying my nose in the fragrant blooms before setting them on my desk. (The others were at home).

I went back to Anton and cupped his face in my hands. He looked exhausted. His cheeks were a little gaunter than before and he wasn’t even pretending to be polite this time. The predatory gleam that I had caught right before he ate me out that first time was right there on the surface of his face.

His arms slipped back around my hips as I studied him.

He was in jeans and a dark green button down shirt topped with a leather jacket. His hair looked a little longer and wilder than it had been before and he looked absolutely edible.

“I hope I’m not intruding or bothering you. I only knew where you worked.”

“I think you can tell by my response that I am extraordinarily happy to see you. But… you look tired.”

“I came straight here. I finished up a project this week that was supposed to take longer, but…I wanted to come back and see you. I finished up yesterday and then got on a plane. I just got in. I wanted to ask you if you would let me take you out again.”

I smoothed my hands down his chest.

“Why don’t you come home with me instead. I can fix you dinner and then you can get some sleep. When do you have to leave?”

“I…took some time off. I find that after last weekend, I am…consumed by you.”

I blushed. “Well then…come home with me and let me take care of you for a bit.”

His lips turned up at the corners and he finally leaned down and kissed me. He tasted even better than he did before.

“I would like nothing better.”

“Sit for a minute and let me close things out.”

I quickly tidied my desk up and marked yet another invoice denied. How strange that I would have several in one week. I should stay late, but…it was so rare that I indulged in personal business. I grabbed my desk phone and called the mailroom to give them orders to ship everything back…again and then shut down my computer and gathered my purse and the paperwork I had planned to look at over the weekend.

Anton lounged in one of my chairs and in the few minutes it took me to get ready to leave, he seemed to relax somewhat. It was like he was reassured enough by my reaction to his appearance and my invite to let go some of the tension he had carried with him.

Yet another knock sounded briskly at my door and it was shoved open with Missy appearing with still more paperwork clutched in her hands.

“Hey Grace, I was just getting ready to head out…too bad no flowers came tod…OH! My apologies, I didn’t realize you had a visitor!”

Her eyes quickly caught on the new vase sitting there and darted to Anton and then back to me.


He did rather take up a great deal of space in my office, his long legs spread out in front of my desk. Unlike the first time I met him, where he seemed to almost blend in, this time there was no pretense that he was very present.

I smiled at her.

“Missy, this is Anton Demir. Anton, this is Missy Bueller, my assistant.”

Missy clutched her paperwork close to her chest after a quick assessment.

“So lovely to meet you Mr. Demir, I just wanted to say goodnight to Grace. Have a great weekend you two!” She scuttled out the door like something was on fire.

“As you can see, the flowers caused quite a stir this week. But…thank you. They’re all beautiful and I looked forward to getting them every day.”

Anton gave me a wan smile and stood up, opening my door to let me through and then standing back as I locked up. I carried my newest flowers with me.

I led him out to the parking lot and figured out where he had parked his rental, a black Escalade. I gave him my address and directions, but assumed he would follow me.

It takes about thirty minutes to drive to my place. The museum sits on the north edge of town and my house was even further up along the coastal road.

Thirty minutes is just long enough to start worrying about all kinds of things. I hadn’t had a man in my home for quite a while.

Oh well, not a lot I could change about it now.

I have a long driveway. The people who had owned the house before me had put a fence around the entire property. It’s not a fence that will keep anyone out, just a few solid rails, but I think it’s pretty and it at least gives the impression of private property. You have to drive through a gate, that I usually keep open and then wind up the hill for about half a mile.

I had not lost Anton on the drive and we trailed up my driveway slowly. It’s gravel and I hoped he wasn’t regretting his choice to follow me home.

Luckily my house is pretty gorgeous, at least I think it is.

And I’ve done a lot of work on the house and the landscape.

Pale blues, purples and whites were the colors I had gone with, a large wrap-around porch, sloping roofs, a turret…it could have been gaudy, but somehow wasn’t. I kept about an acre around the house cleared for my various gardens, but the cliffs were nearby and I had an amazing view of the ocean, the rest was forest and winding hills. I loved my house and the property it sat on.

I parked and got out as Anton parked beside me.

He pulled a duffle bag out of the truck with him and he followed me up the front steps to my door, seeming to take in everything as he went.

I unlocked my front door and let us into my foyer, a wide open space with dark wood and clean white walls covered in artwork. A circular table with a large, colorful glass vase that I had picked up in Russia sat in the middle of the table. My stair case curves up the side wall in a circular motion and there are two front rooms off the sides and a hall way that leads back further into the house.

I set my keys, my bag, the vase and paperwork on the circular table and turned towards Anton. I heard the door click shut and what I assumed was his bag hitting the floor. And then his arms were around me and his lips on mine once again and what we had started in the office, exploded.

He hoisted me up, letting my legs around his hips and turned towards the stairway.

“Where’s your bedroom?” was muttered against my lips.

Slipping my fingers through his hair and continuing to kiss him, I muttered “upstairs” back into his mouth and he turned and effortlessly carried me up the stairs as we continued to go at it.

We broke a part long enough when we reached the top long enough for me to point him to the door at the end of the hallway.

He walked us down the hallway and through the door, twisting around to put me on the bed much like he had done that first night.

But unlike that first night, there was no slow, drawn out deliberate descent into lust.

This was fast and hard.

He pulled my skirt down my legs and helped me pull off my silk blouse. My underwear came next and he undid his belt and pulled his hard cock out, stroking it as I pulled my underwear off.

He put his knees to the bed and pulled me to the edge, setting the thick, bulbous head at my opening and pushing roughly inside of me.

He was ruthless. I was wet and turned on, but without any other foreplay, I was tight. He thrust fully inside of me, not stopping until he bumped up against my cervix.

When he was fully inside of me, he stopped and we both panted into each other’s faces, simply absorbing the impact of being joined once more.

His face was hard and I think we both realized that he wasn’t wearing a condom at the same time. I didn’t think it was possible, but his face got even harder and he dragged himself slowly out before firmly thrusting back again.

My knees were up, but I pulled myself even wider and tilted my pelvis up to open myself even wider to his hard hips.

I didn’t have to do much accept enjoy the ride, watching his eyes watch where he thrust in and out of me.

It felt so good. He was so hard, so rough, but steady and unrelenting. It felt like he was hitting the center of me with every thrust and the heat, which had already exploded, just built and built.

I was whimpering by the time he dropped a rough hand down to lightly tap my clit. Between that and what he was doing thrusting in and out of me, it was enough to set me off and I exploded around him, drenching him in the slick wetness of my release.

I melted back into the bed and he gave a harsh grunt as he sped up, falling fully on top of me. His shirt rubbed against my breasts, which had come loose from my bra, chafing my hard nipples.

I took his full weight and he put his forehead to mine, staring deeply into my eyes while I held onto him, enjoying watching him lose himself in me.

His thrusts lost their rhythm and sped up, pounding deeply in my body.

I didn’t think it was possible, but he pulled another hard orgasm out of me and my legs closed tightly around his hips as I lost it again.

At the tightening of my muscles again, he finally came. I could feel his wetness pulse inside of me and he deliberately pushed fully into me and watched me watch him as he came.

He surrounded me completely and I realized that he was the first man that had ever been in this bed.

He relaxed slightly and rolled to his side, taking me with him.

Tracing my face gently, just like he had that first night, he smiled somewhat sheepishly at me.

“The things you do to me, Gracie…I thought that weekend must have been a fluke…but no…you just get better and better.”

I pulled away gently long enough to unhook my bra and let my hair down, before turning back to him and helping him to pull his boots off and then the jeans that had made it partly down his thighs. His shirt came next, along with the white undershirt he had on underneath.

He was almost asleep by then and I realized how long he must have traveled. I got him underneath my duvet and curled up against him. He was snoring gently in my ear by the time I got myself situated and I let my body relax against his loose one before falling asleep as well.


Copyright Justified Medea

Stood Up – Part I

I had been stood up.

Swirling my glass of wine around absently, I decided to call it a night.

I had been sitting in the restaurant for over an hour.

While I wasn’t overly disappointed, I was annoyed. I had said yes because it had been so long and I knew that I was deliberately avoiding social occasions. At thirty, I wasn’t getting any younger and I had lost patience with a lot of things…things like dating. So I said yes and here I was.

It would have been nice if he had at least bothered to make up a bad excuse. Couldn’t anyone be polite anymore?

I sighed and signaled the waiter who had been watching me with pity for the last thirty minutes to bring me my check.

What a great way to cap off what had been a terrible week. I had been having issues with vendors and strange invoices all week, having to deny multiple shipments. It was unusual and something felt off to me.

I opened my clutch to pull out my credit card when I heard a throat clear above me.

I looked up to find a man standing by the table.

I hadn’t heard him walk up.

This was a decent restaurant, with nice, thick carpet, but I should have heard something, right?

He stood at a polite distance: a tall, very good looking man in a well cut suit.

Maybe in his late thirties or early forties, he had thick, dark hair, that was just a touch too long and curled ever so slightly against his forehead, golden skin, dark eyes and a long, sharp nose that had been broken a few too many times. Maybe something of a Mediterranean or Turkish blend in his background?

While very good looking, he wouldn’t particularly stand out in a crowd. He was one of those people that would only be memorable if you took a minute or two to really look him. Even looking right at him, he somehow faded into the background.

“Excuse me, but I noticed that you seemed to be waiting for someone.” His voice was low and cultured. I could imagine being able to listen to his voice for hours.

It wasn’t a question, more of a statement. I’m sure it was quite obvious what had happened. I sighed again and thought about how the hits just kept coming.

“Unfortunately it seems that my…friend wasn’t able to make it.”

He lifted a brow.

“Please forgive the intrusion, but I was sitting over there,” he gestured behind me, “and couldn’t help but notice you. I thought it was a shame that such a beautiful woman had been left all on her own on such a pleasant evening. Would you mind terribly if I joined you? It just seems like such a terrible waste otherwise.”

I sat back and looked at him again. He was good looking, polite…and let’s face it, had some actual balls to come over to a woman who had just been stood up by a date to offer to join her. It was…refreshing. And yes, also somewhat flattering. My ego had been taking a beating lately and this was…nice.

I waved my hand at the chair across the table.

“You’re right, it would be a shame to ruin a pleasant evening, Mr. …?”

“Please forgive my manners, my name is Anton Demir. Please, call me Anton.”

He reached out a hand and I grasped it with my own.

His hand was large and dark around my own slim, pale one. Callused and rough, it was not the hand of a man that sat at a desk all day. And unlike some men, who tried to overpower you with a hand shake, his was firm, but polite. He didn’t try to hold my hand too long or make any rude overtures, which again, some men just couldn’t resist. It was nice and made my own hand tingle slightly.

And as he moved gently past me to take the chair across the table, I caught a mere wisp of his scent. He smelled…good. No other way of putting it. It wasn’t aftershave, it didn’t smell like soap…just like man, but in the best possible way.

I was more than slightly taken aback and it took me a second to let my mind catch up to my mouth.

“Forgive me, I suppose you’ve taken me slightly by surprise. I certainly didn’t expect my evening to take such a nice turn. I’m Grace…Grace Cochran, but please, just call me Grace.”

I’m pretty enough, but nothing stunning. I had quiet beauty, the sort of thing my mother liked to say was classy. It was rare that attractive men took such initiative to approach me.

The conversation was easy and smooth. He made me laugh and convinced me to order dinner with him.

He was in town for business, hence his own lack of a date.

Before I knew it, several hours had passed and he had made me laugh more than I had in a long time. I was relaxed and enjoying his company. He was intelligent and made me feel like I was the only thing in the room that had his attention. He didn’t check his phone, look at other women or get distracted by the things happening around us.

I told him about my job as the Head of Acquisitions for the local art museum and made him laugh in turn with stories of the people I dealt with regularly and my adventures in the art world. In the past I had traveled extensively for both school and work. He had traveled as well and regaled me with stories of his own adventures.

It was the nicest evening I had had in, well, a very long time. It didn’t hurt that he was attractive and attentive.

Before I knew it, Anton was paying the check, refusing to allow me to pay for anything. And then we were standing up and he was slipping my wrap around my shoulders.

It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to take the arm he offered me and walk with him out of the restaurant into the cool Spring evening. His arm was firm and much more muscled than the suit let on. He tucked my hand under his elbow with his other hand and walked with me tucked protectively against him. His touch was firm and possessive, but not in a way that had bothered me with other men.

Instead of going to my car and driving off, we walked down to the boardwalk and continued our conversation. We walked a fair distance and full dark had fallen when we stopped at the railing and looked out over the waves.

He pulled me gently towards him, against his body and I could feel his heat through my thin dress. He tilted my head up and gently traced my jaw with one hand.

“Grace, forgive my candor, but I’m only in town tonight and I would like very much to take you to bed. I wouldn’t normally do this, I would like the opportunity to take time to get to know you, but…I couldn’t bear to walk away right now.”

Even the feel of just his hand on my jaw was enough to send sheets of heat down my body. I didn’t want the evening to end either and while I certainly had not planned to go to bed with this man tonight, I couldn’t say that I didn’t want that…pretty badly.

And just like his approach at the restaurant, I liked his straight forward manner. I liked feeling like I was worth the approach. I liked that he had noticed me and that this attractive, intelligent man wanted more of me.

For all I knew he had women in every town, heck, maybe even had a few right here, but one night wouldn’t hurt me, right?

I settled my body more closely to his and looked up into his dark brown eyes and smiled up at him.

“I would like that very much.”

I watched his mouth, a sensual firm line in his rectangular face, tilt up in a fierce smile of his own. I was captivated. He had been almost quiet and polite all evening. The hint of predatory interest shone through for a second, letting me know that he had definitely had more of a passing interest in pursuing me than he was letting me see. It sent shivers down my back and I felt my pussy get wet with just the look.

I don’t think any men had ever made me feel so wanted before.

He leaned down towards me and I thought that he was going to kiss me, but at the last moment he slipped his arm around my waist and took my hand, dancing me back across the board walk in a smooth waltz.

It surprised me and the effervescent joy it caused took me aback. He had been a complete surprise from the very beginning and just kept getting even better, which I didn’t think was possible at this point. He kept our bodies fully aligned and danced us a little way down the boardwalk. It was charming and sexy at the same time.

We walked back the way we came.

He hadn’t driven to the restaurant we had been at; he had walked from one of the hotels off the boardwalk. My car was parked in a public lot, so I decided to leave it there and let him lead me gently, but firmly, to his hotel.

The anticipation was killing me by the time we reached the front door. His arm was around my waist and I felt cradled against him.

We were quiet on the elevator ride and on our walk down the hallway.

It was a nice hotel and his room was on one of the upper floors that required a special key card. He opened the door and ushered me inside. Slipping my wrap off my shoulders, he laid it gently across the couch that was in the front room. He took off his suit jacket and slung it much more casually across a chair. He loosened his tie and pulled it off as well, revealing his throat and a hint of chest hair that made my fingers itch to explore.

He came back to me and slipped me back into his arms. Swaying us gently, he wrapped his arms fully around me.

There was nothing hesitant or awkward about him. It was so unusual to feel so easy in this sort of situation.

All I could think about was getting to touch and see more of him.

He dipped me lightly and brought me back up, slipping his hands up to my hair. I had put my long heavy hair up with multiple pins into a twist for the evening and gently, without tugging or pulling, he took it down, letting his fingers run through it. He slipped his fingers around my skull and kneaded gently. He must have hit a pressure point, because I felt my whole body relax completely against him.

Controlling my head while he kneaded, he tilted my head back and I felt his lips touch my jawline. They were firm and warm and he seemed to be enjoying tasting me and then, just for a moment, there was a hint of teeth as he gently bit the side of my chin.

My nipples were firmly peaked through my dress and with that hint of teeth everything lower down in my body clenched up. I made a slight gasping noise and clutched his shirt.

Instead of moving to my mouth, he tormented me by giving me slow, deep kisses down my neck and up to my ear. He sucked my earlobe into his mouth and lavished attention on it, which forced my knees to go weak.

In an unexpected move, he moved his hands from around my head and swept me up into his arms, now kissing my collar bone.

He walked us into what I assumed was the bedroom of the suite. It was. And though he hadn’t turned the lights on, I saw the large bed that sat in the center. I also got the sense that Anton was a neat man. There weren’t clothes thrown everywhere or items left randomly on the dresser top. I saw a duffle on the stand in a corner, but that was it and then I was too distracted by Anton to look more closely.

This time when he set me gently on my feet, he wrapped his arms fully around me and brought his lips to mine and finally, finally after teasing me, slid his lips over mine and took possession of my mouth.

His tongue touched the tip of mine and this time it was me that slid my hands up his back and into his thick, slightly curly hair that I had been thinking about touching all evening.

He growled against my lips and I think I might have purred back. This kiss was like no other kiss that I had ever had. He was definitely the one in control, but I liked that. I liked how he sucked at my bottom lip and made no bones about the fact that he was exploring the inside of my mouth. Kissing can be such a strange experience, but this one was just heat and enjoyment and well…sex. His tongue mimicked what he was going to do to other places on my body and I was OK with that. My muscles were loose and my pussy throbbing with heat and wetness. He could have taken me right then and I probably would have come.

But he was not that kind.

His hands, which were cupping my bottom at this point, moved up my back and traced the zipper on my dress.

I stepped back slightly and gently shoved him back towards the bed. He sat on the end, with his legs spread wide, his hands starting to slowly undo the buttons on his shirt, which had been pulled out from his pants in the time we had made it from the front room to here.

I liked that while I could feel the urgency of desire, neither of us was in a rush to hurry things along. There was so much desire between the two of us and it felt like we had days and days to come to the inevitable conclusion.

I was glad that I had decided to dress up tonight, though it hadn’t been for the date that never showed. I had needed to feel pretty tonight and had gone out of my way to make myself feel good. It had been a while and I didn’t usually take the time or make the effort. Tonight, I was so glad that I had.

I was in a little black dress that probably showed a bit more of my legs than it ought to. It was early Spring, still cool out, so I had worn silk stockings with one of my nicest garter belts. My underwear was more than slightly indecent. They tied at the sides and I could slip them off without ever taking the belt off. I hadn’t worn any bra at all. My heels were high and thin. I looked good and it was confirmed when I turned to face the dresser, giving my back to Anton and my own hands went to the zipper at the back of the dress. There was a mirror on the dresser and I could watch his reaction in the dim light as I slowly pulled the zipper down and he could clearly see that there wasn’t a bra at all.

I pulled my arms out of the dress, but held it up and turned my head back to him, proud of myself for this level of flirting.

There was nothing polite left on his face now, only a fierce heat that showed in the intensity of his eyes and the way he held his mouth. He was focused entirely on me and I could see the bulge in his pants. His shirt was open, revealing a deliciously well-defined chest and stomach that was lightly dusted with dark, curly hair. He leaned back with his arms braced behind him, but his feet were firmly pressed to the floor, his thighs tensed, and I got the sense that he was holding himself back from springing up and grabbing me.

I didn’t know, but the smile I gave him as he drank me in was sinful.

I decided to quit teasing him and let the dress fall around my feet.

I stepped out of the dress and lightly kicked it aside. I stretched my arms up, giving him a full view of my back and a teasing glimpse of my breasts in the mirror. I was about to turn back towards him, when he moved. He went to his knees behind me and cupped my bottom in his hands again, which were revealed in the tiny thong I wore.

I could feel him tracing the edges of my underwear and the long garters on the belt, stopping at the top of my stockings. And then he was kissing my bottom, squeezing the generous globes in his big hands.

I spread my legs wider and bent over to hold onto the dresser. I watched him in the mirror and got lost in his exploration of my body.

His hands came up to my hips and he pulled me gently around, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my belly. He looked up at me, taking in my full breasts for the first time and my flushed face.

Nuzzling at my front, he pressed my hips back against the dresser and leaned back to drink in the full sight of me. My hair was down and tousled, my lips were swollen, my nipples were fully erect, my breathing heavy…

He gave me a predatory look and his hands went to the ties on my underwear. He undid one and then the other, almost like he was unwrapping a present. Slowly, almost torturously, he pulled the scrap of silk away from between my legs, leaving me in nothing but the garter belt and the stockings and heels.

I was fully exposed to him now. My bare mound glistening with my own dampness.

I watched his face the entire time and his nostrils flared slightly as he took me fully in.

He dipped a shoulder and pushed one of my thighs over his back, fully opening me up to him, I slid my hands back into his hair and waited with my breath held.

Pushing my hips more firmly against the dresser, he dipped his lips down…slowly, so slowly…until his mouth was just right there against me, a bare hint of lips and stubble. Even that bare hint of a touch was enough to make my head go back and a small groan to come out of me.

His tongue pushed its way past my lower lips and just barely thrust against me, but stopping. His mouth was buried against me and he rolled his eyes back up to mine and watched me as he finally, finally gave me a broad lap.

Fire steaked up through my stomach, tightening my nipples even further. I think I grunted, I know my hands fisted in his curls and as he starting licking me, I couldn’t help the way my hips ground down on this mouth, pressing his long, sharp nose hard up against my clit.

It didn’t take long, this first time. It had been too long for me and his tongue was just too good. The cool linen of his shirt, which he still had on, rubbed under my thigh and his large, hard hands kept me spread for his assault.

We stared into each other’s eyes as he ate at me. Animalistic noises that I wasn’t even aware of making spilling out of me between my begging “Antons!” and when it finally hit me, it arched my back and snapped me back against the mirror. He continued to lap at me the whole time, making me come again and making the spasms through my body drag out.

I was crying by this point, it was so good and he hadn’t done all that much to me yet. He was still mostly dressed and I was coming apart in his arms.

When my body finally sagged, he gave me one last gentle lap that tensed me up again and he stood up.

This time, gently dropping my leg down his side and turning me back around, he swept my hair to the side and his hands went to the hooks on the garter belt. He gently undid everything and one by one, rolled the stockings down my legs, picking each foot up to divest me of both shoe and stocking.

He ran his hands up my legs and kissed me from my knees, up my back, burying his mouth once again in my neck.

I was boneless and couldn’t have moved if the fire alarm went off.

He turned me around again, making sure I was steadily held up by the dresser and it was his turn to strip for me.

Somewhere in all of this. His shoes and socks had already come off. His feet were as golden as the rest of him.

He slipped the shirt off his back, finally fully revealing his upper physique for my inspection. The man was built, wide shoulders, defined pectoral muscles, a six pack…biceps that were as big around as my thighs…

The suit had somehow made him seem smaller, less intimidating. It hid the dangerous edge that I was seeing now.

He had a tattoo on the inside of his left arm. I didn’t get a good look, but it seemed like a shield of some sort with some insignia and words.

I was distracted from the tattoo when his hands dropped to his belt. I unconsciously licked my lips and his eyes caught mine, both of us stilling as he visibly locked himself into place as he watched my mouth. My bonelessness was starting to fade and that warm restless feeling was starting to stir in my belly again. I dropped one hand to pinch one of my nipples and the other one down between my legs, letting him see how wet I was and how much I wanted more of him.

He unhooked his belt and pulled it away from the pants, making short work of the button on his trousers. He didn’t stretch it out like I had. I think we were both too far gone for that. He just pushed his pants and his boxer briefs down in one smooth move, revealing the thick, hard arousal between his legs.

He was big…and so delicious looking that I couldn’t help but spread my legs further and rub myself harder in anticipation of that thick cock pushing into me.

He stepped out of his pants, and I nearly cried when he moved away from me. Stopping by the bedside table, he opened a drawer and pulled out a tinfoil packet. Still watching me the whole time, he came back towards me, surprising me when he moved past me without touching me.

Instead, he moved to the wing back chair in the far corner. Sitting down he tore the condom packet open with his white teeth.

He gave me a show as he rolled the condom over his hard length and gestured me towards him.

I moved silently across the carpet, with a low rolling gait that I wasn’t even aware of. All I wanted was him. He was as much my prey at this point, as I was his.

I straddled his hips and rubbed myself against him. He had soft, curly pubic hair that teased me at the base of my stomach. I settled against the hard length that stood against his stomach, letting my lower lips just lightly rub against it.

His eyes were hard, his jaw clenched, his hands going to my hips, not trying to control my movements, just biting into my flesh and holding on. He was waiting for me to use him anyway I wanted and that was almost better than taking control like I know he could have.

I tilted his head back and allowed myself the pleasure of kissing him, taking control of his lips that were still salty sweet from licking me. It was my turn to eat his mouth and nibble his lips as I slowly, teasingly rocked my pussy against him.

My fingers tugged at his tight, dark nipples and raked down his chest.

I was going to make myself come again, just from rubbing his length against me and I decided I wanted that, I wanted to draw his torment out just a little bit longer.

So I rode myself to completion without ever taking him inside of me, simply enjoying the feeling of his crisp leg hair against the back of my thighs, his hard hands on my hips and his firm, sensual mouth under mine.

I sat back and this time his teeth were clenched and his eyes wide and feral as I lazily rolled the end of my orgasm off on him.

I knew that the time for games was over with and my own playful feelings disappeared.

I sat up slightly and rocked the tip of him to where I wanted it to be. With the condom on, he easily slid into place and I slowly, so slowly, let my body sink down on him until he was fully seated deep inside of me.

We were both panting and while I took a second to adjust to his width and length, I was too primed from coming so many times already, that I instinctively started to move on him. I braced my hands on the arms of the chair, arching my breasts towards his mouth, rocking that hard length right into where I needed it.

Now his hands guided my movements up and down as we rocked together. He sucked the end of one of my breasts deep into his mouth and hungrily sucked on it, making my hips grind against him even harder. My hands slid up into his hair and there was no more pretense of teasing or going slow. We fucked each other hard in that chair.

I was coming…coming so hard that I couldn’t focus on anything other than his body driving up into mine. My eyes were closed and head was tilted towards the ceiling as I rode the cataclysm of feeling going off through my body.

And suddenly I was being lifted and still fucking me, he carried me from the chair to the bed. He pressed us down and up the middle of the bed and he was over me, his hips powering his body as deeply into me as he could. His mouth slammed down against mine and I think we both exploded together.

He grunted and I felt him swell even larger inside of me. My own muscles were rippling and pulling him deeply inside of me. His mouth was still eating mine and it was…bliss.

His chest on mine, his body deep between my legs, my legs wrapped around his trim waist. We laid there in the aftermath and breathed each other in, his mouth resting against my jaw, his hands buried in my hair. His weight was heavy, but comforting.

The duvet was cool against my back and it was just so lovely to lay there and stroke his back and breathe.

He rolled us to the side, sliding out of my body, keeping me tucked against him. He slid kisses down my cheeks and my throat and across the top of my chest.

“Be right back,” was murmured across my lips and he slipped from my arms to go take the condom off in the bathroom.

I saw the light flick on behind a door I hadn’t noticed. I rolled towards it and watched as he came out, really taking him in in the light for the first time. He was…just spectacular. I couldn’t help the stupid grin that popped out. I might have still been pretty high from the sex, but he was just gorgeous, all clean lines and defined muscles under that honey colored skin.

He came back to the bed and somehow deftly maneuvered both of us under the covers. He didn’t subtly hint that I should leave or imply that he had gotten what he wanted, just rolled us both under the blankets and curled around me again.

We lay facing each other while I was curled with one of his arms under me, my knees tangled in his legs, his other hand traced patterns on my face.

“I never expected for this to happen tonight…but I’m so very happy that it did.”

I fell asleep with a smile on lips.


Copyright Justified Medea

The Weaving – Part 3

Author’s Note: This is the third part of a longer piece of Snape/Hermione fanfiction, read part 1 first!

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me! They are not mine! I didn’t think them up! I am not making any money off of them! I just take them out of the box and play with them a little bit here and there.

Severus Snape was stunned, literally and figuratively.

He had been annoyed when someone had knocked so persistently on his door. One would think the idiots would know better than to come to his office hours. He was going to be particularly unpleasant to whoever it was. He hoped the eyes of the creatures in the jars behind him looked like they were watching everything more so than usual today.

He wasn’t surprised when Hermione Granger came through the door. He was surprised by the determined look on her face as she moved swiftly towards him without his explicit invitation that she come sit in the uncomfortable chair in front of his desk.

He had known something was wrong when she moved around his desk. Was she going to try and kill him? Was she imperioed? Something was not right. That was when he went for his wand. He realized that he was a split second too late when her hands made a motion like she was throwing a blanket over him and he felt some heavy, something warm and moving settle on top of him, snaring him in place.

The Miss. Granger he knew would never have acted this way. Miss. Granger was always polite, waited for permission to come closer, was only over eager for answers to her questions. Miss. Granger was sexier than hell.

Where had that thought come from?

He felt an outpouring of power settle over him and he couldn’t move. He didn’t know what to expect. He only hoped that she made it quick. Wouldn’t they laugh to hear that he had been done in by a school girl after all these years.

Damn the girl! When it was so close to the end. When he had finally managed to set such a perfect plan on getting the Order to Voldemort. Just when he had begun noticing her as the woman she had become, she was going to betray them? Severus Snape felt his withered heart, which had only started beating once more for the first time in years, stop again at the sharp betrayal. Of anyone to do it…her?

And then she had begun speaking.

“I’m horribly sorry Professor. It won’t last long and it’s only to help you. I hope you’ll understand later.”

Understand that she was trying to kill him? There wouldn’t be a later!

And then she had started casting something and her actions had stunned him again. Though this time much more figuratively speaking.

When she kissed his forehead, he wished he could close his eyes and savor the feel of her soft lips like he had only dreamed about late at night when no one else was there. Dreams that he had locked in his mind as deep and as far as he could bury them to make sure that Voldemort never saw them.

“Mine to yours.” Kiss. This time those lips were placed on his. Oh what he wouldn’t have given to open his mouth against hers and taste that mouth in the way that it truly deserved.

“Yours to mine.” Kiss. The base of his throat, he could feel his heart start trying to beat its way out of his chest. And her hair….so close to his face he could feel its softness, smell the soft cinnamon and clove scent of her in his nose.

If she was killing him, there was no sweeter way that she could do it.

“Meas pectas te adfero, quid sentes, contrecto et partes et capio, fine.” He began translating in his mind as she kissed him right above his heart. Could she feel it pounding against her lips? “I give my heart to you, everything you feel, I take and share, Fine.”

What could this mean? What had she thrown over him? Why could he feel her heart beating with his? As she finished the spell he felt whatever it was that she had thrown over him seemingly tighten and for a second it was like their two bodies merged and existed together in the moment. It literally took his breath away when he could feel the surge of power push through her, into him, and back into her once again.

He was more than slightly bewildered now. He had expected to be in excruciating pain or worse, dead, by this point. When she had stunned him he expected the worse, but it almost seemed as if she might be saying….

No, not possible.

What was she doing? This wasn’t like anything he had ever seen before…but something nagged him in the back of his mind. What was it that he knew…?

She was speaking again. “My apologies once again Professor, but I hope it will help you and… it will help, it has to help! Just…when you’re doing what you have to do, know that it will give you the space that you need, you can count on that.”

She nearly fled the room. And here he was still stuck. He hoped no one else happened to wander by to see him this way.

He tried focusing on the feeling of the web that she threw over him. He couldn’t see it any longer, but he could still feel its throbbing in his very bones. He concentrated on the beat of the pulse, letting himself lose sight of the room and the feeling of being trapped in his chair. The rhythm was hypnotizing, he focused on the slow steady beat and slowly lost himself in its sound.

He suddenly realized he could see her still running down hallways, her bushy hair flying behind her until she suddenly ran into something, or rather someone. She emitted a squawk and ended up being supported by whoever it was, he couldn’t quite tell.

He experienced an intense surge of jealousy for whoever held her so close, which he would find rather odd at a later time.

That’s when he fell out of the chair. He gave an undignified squawk and picked himself awkwardly off the floor.

The vision disappeared. Whatever was holding him dissipated and he was once again able to control his own bodily movements.

Then his arm started burning and that thought, that little niggling thought that had been in the back of his head…also disappeared with his need to answer the summons of his other master.

Here for You by usagistu

Copyright Justified Medea

The Weaving – Part 2

Author’s Note: This is the second part of a longer piece of Snape/Hermione fanfiction, read part 1 first!

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me! They are not mine! I didn’t think them up! I am not making any money off of them! I just take them out of the box and play with them a little bit here and there.

He should be in his office.

She might as well get it over with. She began making her way to the dungeons, easily avoiding everyone she passed in the hallways with the invisibility cloak she had stolen from Harry.

The air became danker and damper the further down she went. She passed fewer students in the hallway. Her heart, which had never really calmed down from the casting itself, had started pounding again. This was it, he was going to know something at least and there was nothing she could do about it.

Was it possible for your heart to be broken before it truly belonged to someone else? He was going to laugh at her. What could a silly little know it all possibly have to interest him?

Things had been getting steadily worse lately. The final battle had to come soon. She only hoped they had had enough time to do everything they needed to.

She stopped in front of his door, letting the cloak fall off and taking a deep breath before knocking. She didn’t wait for him to tell her to enter.

Opening the door, she moved swiftly. He was glaring at her as she came through, but a look of surprise came over his face as she entered and moved towards him without his permission.

He got out, “Miss. Granger, what do you…” and began moving for his wand, which was in his sleeve, just a second too late before she got close enough to sweep the net over him, letting it settle over as much of him as was exposed in his chair. He froze, caught in its power, with a surprised look on his face.

She let herself relax, the hard part was over. She could almost smile at the stunned look his face was caught in.

“I’m horribly sorry, professor.” She spoke softly. “It won’t last long and it’s only to help you.” She moved forward so that she was directly in front of him.

“I hope you’ll understand later.”

She bent down and kissed his forehead to seal the spell, taking a second to breathe in the scent of him and savor his flesh on her lips. Pulling back only a millimeter she began the final bindings.

Twisting her hands in the air, miming what she had done to create the shining net the first time, “Mine to yours,” she bent down further to place a soft kiss on his lips. “Yours to mine,” she could feel the power of her work pulsing between them. She bent down further to place another kiss right at the base of his throat, nearly crying now at being so close to what she really wanted. “Meas pectas te adfero, quid sentes, contrecto et partes et capio, fine.” She didn’t dare look him in the eyes.

With the last word and a final kiss, she pressed her hand directly over where his heart was on top of his robes, she felt the magic she had just woven come completely together, encasing him, also connecting fully back into her, almost as if a string was strung between them, pulling tightly.

It was like taking a huge punch to the gut. She had to reach out to steady herself on the desk to try and absorb it and remember how to breathe again. It was almost as if everything that she had pulled out of herself to make the spell in the first place had rushed back to her all in one pull, nearly making her pass out at the Professor’s feet. The only thing that kept her upright was the realization that she couldn’t be anywhere near him when he was able to move again, which would be soon.

She recovered herself as best she could before straightening up, “My apologies once again Professor, but I hope it will help you and…” she nearly began sobbing, “it will help, it has to help! Just…when you’re doing what you have to do,” and this time she looked him right in those deep black eyes, “know that it will give you the space that you need, you can count on that.”

Without looking back, she nearly ran out the door. She had other things to finish that night.

Here for You by Usagistu

Copyright Justified Medea

The Bad Day – Part 1

Author’s note: This is the first part in an eight part story. There is lots of sex! If you are easily offended, do not read further! I wrote this story years ago and posted it elsewhere. I had never really come to a good stopping point and it needed a lot of edits! So here it is again, once more with feeling and hopefully a little better! The Bad Day…

I had had a bad day. No, not just a bad day: to quote a famous book, it had been a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad” day. A day where absolutely nothing had gone right. I had overslept, and then missed my first train. Because of that, I been ridiculously late to work, which ensured that I got spoken to snidely by my boss. Then the worst patron of all library patrons had taken up three hours of my time and when I had grabbed a hasty lunch afterwards, I had managed to spill mustard all over my favorite sweater. I then spilled tea all over my desk, forgotten about a meeting I had with a dean and finally, to add insult to injury, the strap on my shoes broke.

Even the weather had decided to chip in on my misery; torrents of rain had continued to drench the city all day long. All I wanted was to go home, have some hot tea, and slip under my downy comforter. Then I could forget everything that had gone wrong. Maybe tomorrow I would be able to forget today.

My toes had begun cramping in my soaked shoes, which I had limped back to the tube station in after the strap broke. I was damp all over and I was sure that I smelled. I was shocked that the people crammed around me in the tube weren’t cringing away from me. My hair was a rat’s nest, my eye liner was smeared everywhere, making me look like a raccoon and the mustard stain felt like it had spread down my front.

I’m also sure that the expression on my face didn’t do anything to recommend my temperament.

There was a family sitting next to me, with three screaming children. I thought that this might be my breaking point, the point where I completely lost it, where I started wailing and couldn’t stop. They would take me away, put me in a strait jacket and the nice men in white would do their best to keep me comfortable.

That’s of course when I saw him. As my mother always said, if I had any luck, it was bad luck, but this was certainly going to put the cap on it all. Leave it to me to have the most miserable day, look absolutely horrid because of it and then see him.

I was living in London. Living in London allowed me to spend time in an amazing city and travel on the weekends to the continent. Opportunities like this did not exactly grow on trees. I was from a small Midwestern town and had gone to a fairly closed off university in Ohio. I had not often had the opportunity to travel, so when I had managed to land the perfect job right after grad school, I had jumped at the opportunity. Unfortunately, as was often the case, perfect jobs did not often come with great salaries. I was doing OK, but certainly not well enough to warrant the sort of life this man so obviously lived.

I’ll also be the first to admit that I have high class tastes, tastes for things that weren’t usually accessible to an academic librarian. I like to blame my parents for this. They had sent me to a private school from fifth grade on and my sensibilities for the finer things in life would never quite go away after that early experience. My family had been comfortable while I was growing up, but I had gone to school with people who went to the Galapagos Islands for the weekend. I had seen how the other half lived and had learned to appreciate it.

He was one of those finer things in life. I could see that immediately.

Along with a taste for fine things, I have an….. appreciation shall we say for older men. My friends and I often argued over this. I was fine with their general disdain for the men I found attractive. I always figured that it left more for me in the long run. Guys my age were still idiots. Even ones that were a few years ahead hadn’t learned very much about pleasing a woman in the ways that really mattered. The problem was of course, that older men usually didn’t want starving librarians with few prospects. So you could say that I’d been having a dry spell in more ways than one.

While I could usually live with this and had no problem with being single while taking each day as it came, it was on days like this, in moments like this, that I liked to curse fate and circumstance, because of course it was only on days like this that I would run into someone like him.

Do you have an image of your ideal man or woman? The image that when someone talks about your dreams coming true, pops immediately to mind? The image that you always imagined Prince or Princess Charming would look like? I’m sure you do. Everyone does. Even if you’re a confirmed hermit with no interest in love or sex at all, I’m positive that if someone mentioned something about the perfect person, there’s an image that immediately comes to mind. He was mine.

Tall, slender, with a sleek musculature that begged to be explored by my eager fingers, his understated power clung to him like a scent. It crossed my mind to wonder what he was doing on the tube. Men like him drove powerful sports cars or had chauffeurs who drove dark sedans. His clothing was understated but extremely expensive, designer probably, perfectly tailored to hug his body like a second skin, showing it off to the maximum effect. I’m sure he knew it too.

He had a craggy face, with an aquiline nose which reminded me of images of famous Roman emperors. Heavily lashed eyes and a straight, nearly cruel looking mouth. Dark green eyes glared at nothing. Long slender hands were folded across his chest as he leaned casually against the wall of the train. His hair, which brushed his shoulders, was a deep reddish brown, with just a little grey beginning to streak through it at his temples. It simply begged to have my hands run through it.

Of course, it would be today of all days that I would find the man that I had always imagined Mr. Right to be. This finished making what had been a bad day into one that was awful. I winced as one of the children jammed in next to me gave an ear-piercing shriek. No wonder I hadn’t seen Mr. Perfect standing so close. The train was packed as full as it possibly could be, and it only got worse at each stop. Rush hour was never a good time. Today of course, it was as close to Hell as one could get while on an underground train.

I took comfort in the one thing I could generally count on in Great Britain, the great British reserve. Of course this has been a stereotype in the international community for almost as long as the British have been going out and conquering people. Technically, the British may no longer have an empire, at least not in the sense that they used to, but their reputation for being cold hearted bastards, remains, and to my surprise, seems to be generally true. I was not only enjoying London because it was a great city, but as much for the people in it.

One of the other great enjoyments in my life was people watching. London is one of the biggest international crossroads in the world and if you’re ever there, just go and sit on a city bench for twenty minutes, you’ll see every variety of people you can possibly imagine. I was told that there are three hundred languages spoken in London. Three hundred languages mean at least that many people to stare at unobtrusively. And if you’re like me, and are a confessed people watcher, you will get away with more actual starring than almost anywhere else in the world, or at least I assume.

There seemed to be a national agreement not to stare at one another, to ignore whatever was going on around you. When you go on the underground in London, it will be quiet. People are considerate to others for the most part, unlike America completely, no loud conversations, few people speaking on their mobile phones. Here in this horribly crowded underground, ugly and as miserable as I was, next to whiny snotty children, I could at least watch the man of my dream’s reflection in the window as much as I liked and be sure he would never know.

I gave a deep sigh as the children finally seem to wear themselves out and finally began to quiet down.

There is a hypnotic rocking motion in any subway type train that will usually soothe me very quickly, without the children screeching and being lucky enough to have a seat at the very least (because of course I had to go such a long way and was able to wait long enough for enough people to change in and out of the car to actually grab myself a seat), I was able to relax and begin to fantasize about the man I could see reflected across from me in the glass.

I began to imagine what I would do to him if he was actually mine. What would he be like? What would he like? I could imagine being pressed against his lean lines. I’m not a small girl, pretty average actually, but this man would dwarf me in bed.

I imagined what it would be like to have his muscled thinness pressed into my softness, how his hips would sink deeply into mine, what it would feel to have him resting on top of me. And yet I thought that his weight would be pleasantly heavy and hold me in place quite firmly. The innate power his very stillness in this overcrowded metro car promised that he would be able to turn me anyway he desired whether I wanted to be turned or not. And that turned me on even further.

Another reason I like older men is that usually they have a great deal more experience in everything in general than those my age. I could imagine what his hopefully knowledgeable hands could do as they worked themselves over me. I could imagine their rough callused feel on my soft skin and his demanding insistence on being able to have whatever he liked. I wondered what his lips would be like, soft and gentle, or hard and demanding.

His sharp nose would certainly suit me just fine buried between my legs, hard against my clit as he took as much of me as he could with his mouth.

Would he take me up against the wall? The floor? In the shower? What would it be like to wake up with him? Would he wake me up making love to me in the early hours before the dawn? Would he sneak up on me in corners and take me in public, bending me over, flipping my skirts up and have his way with me?

Would he take his time, lingering over my breasts and my hips and everything in between or get right to the point?

A distinct throbbing began low in my belly.

I sighed again. What was the point? Here I sat bedraggled and smelly, and besides, another problem with older men, young women my age, outside of a midlife crisis and the need for extremely young girlfriend, don’t usually appeal to them. I mean, let’s face it, when you’re a handsome, successful man in your late thirties, early forties, you can get plenty of equally attractive, well off women. Who would want to mess around with an inexperienced awkward just out of college girl who doesn’t even know where they are going in life yet? I’ve had my flings here and there, a college professor here, a business man there, but it never lasts.

I clenched my hands in the strap of my bag in my lap and let my head droop, what was the point other than frustrating myself really badly, which certainly was not what I needed at this point in my day. Even if I looked radiant at this moment and had the self-confidence of a more experienced woman, I doubted if I would have the courage to go up to him and propose a night of crazy steamy jungle sex.

Well, if nothing else, tonight when I was dry and warm in my lonely bed, I would have an image to let myself fantasize to. I would slide my hands down between my legs and frig myself utterly senseless over this image, seeing his face as I buried my hands deep into that soft spot that made the world come to pieces. Knowing that somewhere out there, my Mr. Perfect existed, would have to be enough. Hell, for all I know he could be a complete and absolute pig, better to simply know that the handsomest man I’d ever seen exists. The lyrics from the Moulin Rouge song started to play through my head. You know, the one about “how wonderful life is, now that you’re in the world”?

Great, just fucking great, I had hit that point in my tiredness that I blathering sentimental stupidity in my own head. Like that was going to keep me warm at night.

After the few minutes of brief heady excitement, my misery re-exerted itself. Being much more depressed than I had started out, I peeked up at the reflection again for one last mournful look at Heaven.

And met his eyes in the glass.

I was momentarily stunned by this unexpected event. I was also caught by their greenness, even in the basic reflection. He didn’t look away, neither did I. In my mind, I began swearing. He was probably repulsed by the image I represented. Hasn’t your eye ever been caught by that one horridly awful looking person in the crowd, making it impossible for you to look away? I’m sure that’s what was currently going through his own mind.

The train slid into the next stop and the bell allowed me to pull my gaze away to look at the advertisements along the top of the train wall. Feeling my cheeks get embarrassingly red, I tried to act like I wasn’t imagining fucking him senseless up against the nearby doors of the train.

“Next stop, South Kensington”, boomed the mechanical voice of the pre-recorded female announcer through the speakers in her perfect British accent.

Finally, only one more stop until mine. I began believing that I would and could actually make it home. I closed my eyes and let my chin rest on my chest.

“Please mind the gap between the train and the platform, this is a Piccadilly service to Cockfosters,” continued the announcement that had become as common as to almost completely disappear from my memory as soon as it was said.

The next few minutes were interminable as I sat and determinedly starred at everything except the man in the corner that seem to have a magnetic pull on my eyes.

“Next stop, Gloucester Road”, the announcement came again and I felt the train slowing down to a stop at my platform. I leaned my head back for one final moment for that last burst of energy that would get me out of the tube, up the stairs and down the street to my flat. I glanced at the window one last time. He was still watching me. This time I blinked, in what was probably very much a ‘deer in the headlights’ look and then nearly ran as the doors finally opened. How awfully embarrassing. The most perfectly awful way to end a perfectly awful day.


Copyright Justified Medea

Unexpected Once More – Part 8

Note from author: This is the eighth part of eight part story, which is a follow up to my previous erotic short The Unexpected. You don’t need to have read The Unexpected to follow this, but it might help. You can find the first part here. As always, this is erotic romance, so…explicit sex, at least eventually. If you’re easily offended…then don’t read this! Espionage in space, aliens, cultural differences and love, what more could you need? Enjoy!

I woke up this time when Bat gently pulled himself out of my body and repositioned us so that I was in his arms and we were facing each other. The robe had disappeared somewhere in the festivities and we were both skin to skin and still flushed from making love.

I threw my thigh over his and shockingly, I could feel him harden against me again. He groaned and his hips rocked against me again.

It was easy for me to hitch myself over him again, sliding his long cock back inside of my sopping passage. Wrapping one long arm under my butt and letting me use the other to rest my face on, we rocked slowly together, able to take the time and the slow pleasure that the first time hadn’t allowed for.

I didn’t expect to come again, I thought this time would be fully for him, but surely enough, that pleasure deep between my legs built again and this time, staring into his eyes, we came together. He held himself deep inside of me and it occurred to me that we hadn’t used any sort of protection. I knew humans and Xe’e’dUn were viable candidates for fertility, but I hadn’t even thought to worry about it.

Oh well.

We both passed out for a while and I woke up sprawled across the top of his big body. I sat up and wiggled my way down his hips until I could grasp his long, softened member in my hands.

It didn’t take long to make him harden and this time it was me that woke him up with an unexpected surge of lust. Lifting myself up, I fitted the head of his cock between my legs slid down ever so slowly, seating him completely inside my body. His hands reached up to squeeze and play with my breasts as I leisurely rode him until I found my completion once more.

He watched me come, using a finger to rub my clit lazily where it brushed against his body at every movement. He seemed content to let me ride it out before he rolled me under him to fuck me some more.

It was just never ending.

The nighttime standard hours rolled into daytime standard hours and we just couldn’t get enough of each other.

And in between we talked about everything. His childhood, mine. Families, careers, hopes, dreams, wishes. Everything.

I was between his legs again, with his cock as far down the back of my throat as I could take it, when I slipped a finger into his tight back entrance, wiggling it to find just the right spot…

He exploded down my throat with a harsh grunt and his hips surged up, making me cling to his hips.

It took him a minute to catch his breath, but when he did, he pulled me up and flipped me over onto my belly. Spreading the cheeks of my bottom, he feathered his fingers over my own back entrance. It made my hips wriggle in anticipation.

I couldn’t see what he was doing, so I was taken by surprise when I felt his tongue firmly lick against my rear entrance and I couldn’t contain my own moan. My front, wet from our past encounters, was drenched again.

Bat’s weight held me firmly in place. His heavy biceps resting over my thighs. I couldn’t move and I had to lay there and take it as he lavished his attention on licking me.

It felt like it went on for hours.

One of his long fingers finally pushed its way through the tightly puckered hole and this time his tongue flicked lightly against my clit. It was enough to set me off hard enough to see stars.

I came helplessly, pulsing as he gently thrust one finger in and out of my back entrance.

He rested his cheek against one of the globes of my bottom and we stayed like that for a long time.

I felt his fingers tracing obscure symbols along my spine.

“Are you happy, my Alix?”

“If I were any happier, I might die.”

I knew that he would have to return to his normal duties soon and I would have to find something to do with myself in this new life I found myself in.

But until then…I was content to stay right where I was.

Bat could fuck me for as long as he liked and I wasn’t going to move.

I had known the sex would be spectacular, but really…it was everything else.

He was everything I had wanted and hoped for and to know that this large male was content with me? That was everything.

How unexpected. But I would hold onto it with everything I had.

Hmmmm…maybe, when I was finally able to return that sword to Carlos, I would pin a thank you note to his stomach.

It was the least I could do to say thank you? Right?

Fine. For now…

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Copyright Justified Medea


Unexpected Once More – Part 7

Note from author: This is the seventh part of an eight part story, which is a follow up to my previous erotic short The Unexpected. You don’t need to have read The Unexpected to follow this, but it might help. You can find the first part here. As always, this is erotic romance, so…explicit sex, at least eventually. If you’re easily offended…then don’t read this! Espionage in space, aliens, cultural differences and love, what more could you need? Enjoy!

I woke up when Bat climbed back into bed with me again and it suddenly occurred to me that I seemed to keep passing out against my best intentions and then waking up to Bat’s presence.

The robe he had given me had fallen open, the tie at the waist coming open. One of Bat’s big hands slipped inside to cup my hip and then slide up to palm one of my breasts. The clench of lust was immediately and my sleepy moan accompanied the small hip thrust I couldn’t hold back. Our prelude earlier had only managed to take the edge off my arousal.

I was still curled up on my side and Bat easily rolled me onto my back, one arm coming up behind one of my knees to spread me open in front of him.

I was already wet and I could tell that he knew from the way he looked between my legs. I was still a little asleep, but I knew that we had gone as slowly as we were going to.

The hand that had been on my breast, reached up to undo the buttons across the shoulders of his dress uniform. Once those buttons were undone, the whole front panel of his suit came undone, exposing his chest.

“Stay just like that!” was growled at me and all I could do was blink sleepily up and spread my legs a little wider. He disappeared momentarily and came back entirely bare. His hair was pulled back in a proper queue and the tips of his slightly tipped ears were visible, flushed a hard purple.

And then he was back above me, both arms catching me behind my knees, spreading and pushing my knees back up against my shoulders.

We didn’t need any more foreplay, I could feel the tip of his cock at my entrance and we both paused to stare at each other.

His eyes were as half-masted as mine were. His hips seemed to move of their own accord and he dragged his heavy tip through my wetness, rubbing me against my clit, before lodging itself back into my entrance, pulling groans from both of us.

Instead of thrusting straight in, he began pushing in slowly, oh so slowly, letting that slight curve up his member rub against that spot deep inside of me before continuing his slow, inexorable push into my tight passage.

He stayed above me, on his knees, keeping my own knees up by my ears, watching where he pushed into me with a fierce, possessive look.

It went on and on and when he was finally, fully seated inside of me, he stopped.

I couldn’t move and it was sheer torment. I whimpered and reached up to play with his nipples, which dragged a grunt from him and made him lose control enough to jerk inside of me, which in turn was enough to make my eyes roll into the back of my head and cry out.

He snarled at me, literally snarled, and took iron control of himself. When I looked back at him, I could see how rigidly he was holding himself above me.

“Mnh Xohro, you will join me in the Xondee.”

It was not a question, it was a statement and it was enough to pull me out of my lust fueled haze of pleasure and look at him, stilling me completely underneath him. He impaled me on the bed, spreading me as open as I could be to his penetration and he was staring intently into my face. The robe I was still semi wearing was spread out underneath me, framing my much paler body to his gaze.

I knew what the Xondee was. The Admiral had asked my sister to join him in the formal Xe’e’dUn contract when he approached her. It had been all over the intergalactic tabloids and people had gushed over the romanticism of it all. While it was not a marriage proposal as humans thought of it, it was so much more. It was a declaration that a Lord of the Xe’e’dUn was planning on taking a mate, joining his life, his business, his governance and everything else he had with her. A mated pair in the Xondee were equal partners. This was not a small thing, especially for a man of what I suspected was Bat’s standing.

I was stunned. I understood what he was saying to me, but I didn’t know the proper words to say back to him.

I reached my hands up to cup his face.

“My Bat, I thought I was supposed to court you?” I could feel a tear leak out of my eye. I loved this man so much, how was it possible that he felt the same for me?

He snarled again under his breath and I could tell it was taking everything he had to maintain control.

“You’re it for me, my aggravating Alix. There will never be another for me. I knew every time you challenged me with your eyes on our trip to the wedding. I knew every time you reached out to touch me, excusing it with a piece of lint or food. I knew every time I watched you watching me.  I couldn’t be sure, human customs are strange to me, but I was sure after talking to your sister. And I knew that I wouldn’t take any more chances once I opened that hatch on that damned fighter and found you dying. I will not be away from your side ever again.”

I might have been hyperventilating again. Some of it was his cock shoved up against my cervix, but most of it was the look on his face and his desperate upset at not having been there to have kept that sword from my stomach. This time it was my heart that clenched hard in my chest.

So I took a deep breath and said what was in my heart, there was nothing left to do at that point. When he had opened that hatch and jumped down into that ship over me, finding me covered in blood and pinned in place, the one thing I had known was that I was glad that his was the last face I was going to see. I hadn’t thought of Evangeline or other friends or regrets at the things I was leaving undone behind me, I had just known that I was happy to go into the infinite darkness with this male’s face in my mind.

“Batbayar T’Qadan’Qorchi, I don’t know the formal words. I’m sure my sister would, but…yes, I accept. And in return, know that I love you and only you and there will never be another for me either.”

Fierce joy lit his face.

“Mhn Xohro, know that your acceptance makes my heart beat, my body quake and my mind revel in the joy you bring me. May our joining prosper for both of our families. Let it be known that from this day on, Alix Madeleine DuMai and Batbayar T’Qadan’Qorchi are formally joined in the Xondee, let it be recognized that until sundered by personal choice, we are one.”

And finally, satisfied that the formalities were over, he finally pulled back and rammed himself back inside of me.

The pleasure was liquid and immediately, my hands stayed on his cheeks and we stared at each other as he rode me as hard as I have ever been ridden. His slow beginning was nothing compared to the wild, hard thrusts he maintained, bringing me screaming over and over again.

He pulled out of me after my third orgasm with another snarl and whipped my body over, pulling my hips up, thrusting inside of me from behind. I was so done at that point, that all I could do was lay there and take it and I was shocked to feel him building me up yet again.

I was whimpering and crying at that point, his hands grabbed my hips and held me in place as he totally lost control.

Falling over my back, I felt his big body hunch into mine until I exploded one final, spectacular time. I felt his teeth clamp down into my shoulder, in the space by my neck and if it was possible, his thrusts got even hard, losing all sense of rhythm and time and I could actually feel him get hard and bigger, exploding in long pulses inside of me. He kept thrusting through his own orgasm, wringing everything out of both of us that he was able.

We collapsed in a sweaty, wrung out heap and this time, it was the both of us that passed out.

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Copyright Justified Medea

Unexpected Once More – Part 6

Note from author: This is the sixth part of an eight part story, which is a follow up to my previous erotic short The Unexpected. You don’t need to have read The Unexpected to follow this, but it might help. You can find the first part here. As always, this is erotic romance, so…explicit sex, at least eventually. If you’re easily offended…then don’t read this! Espionage in space, aliens, cultural differences and love, what more could you need? Enjoy!

It had been about 0800 standard when we had originally woken up. Bat, as Captain, had taken some time off to be with me, but had to return to his regular duties. He left me tucked in his bed, but had produced my bag first, which I’ve dragged across the universe with me. It was a little worse for wear and he let me know that he had done his best to get the worst of the blood off, but some stains just couldn’t be helped. I appreciated that he personally tried.

I usually traveled light. Evangeline and I shared an apartment back on Earth, because neither of us were hardly ever home. I doubted that Evangeline would ever return now and thought that I should probably talk to her about the apartment. It was a small expense to have some semblance of home for when we were back in New Orleans.

But most of my things were still back on a Union cruiser and I wondered how long it would take for me to retrieve them. I had a feeling that the Coalition wouldn’t take kindly to me being in human space for a good long time.

Bat had given me access to his personal computer in his rooms and had shown me how to send messages through the Xe’e’dUn system. I was glad that there was a standard option and I was able to take the time to sit down and draft a formal report to send to the Admiral and to the Union Federation to back up the proof that I had sent on the chip.

Bat had produced one of his more structured, non-uniform top robes for me to wear. On me, it was long enough to be a full length dress and the sleeves had to be rolled up past my wrists, but I was grateful to be in something that made me feel human and that made me smell like him.

I was still easily worn out. After I made my reports, I did some basic exercises to test where I was at physically. It wasn’t great, but considering that only a few short weeks ago I had had a sword through my gut, I was grateful that I was feeling as fine as I did.

I climbed back into Bat’s bed and took a few minutes just to process what had happened and where I was at.

I had to laugh at my sister. She hadn’t said a word about Bat approaching her in any of our latest correspondence.

Ensconced in Bat’s bed, I wrote her a long letter detailing everything that had happened through the last few months and then queued it up to be transmitted.

Who knew that I hadn’t scared the Captain off? The Xe’e’dUn had very good poker faces. I knew that Evangeline had been madly in love with her Admiral for a good long time before he had come to search her out again, when he deemed it proper of course.

Bat had left me breakfast, though don’t ask me what the food was. I had found that when dealing with alien foodstuffs, it was better not to ask. It tasted good and I felt full and that’s all that really mattered.

The beverage he left me was like a weird, thicker chai. I finally curled up with the drink and one of my own books on my own reader and gave in to the fact that there was literally nothing else I could do at the moment. I felt like I had slept for forever, but I also wasn’t up to doing anything else. I had meant to read that book for a while and just hadn’t had the time. I drifted off somewhere halfway through.

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Copyright Justified Medea

Unexpected Once More – Part 5

Note from author: This is the fifth part of an eight part story, which is a follow up to my previous erotic short The Unexpected. You don’t need to have read The Unexpected to follow this, but it might help. You can find the first part here. As always, this is erotic romance, so…explicit sex, at least eventually. If you’re easily offended…then don’t read this! Espionage in space, aliens, cultural differences and love, what more could you need? Enjoy!

When I woke up several hours later, I found myself tucked fully underneath Bat’s big body. I was nestled up under his chin, his big body pinning me in place. I felt content to stay put and enjoy the experience. His hair, while long by human standards, only brushed his shoulders in a straight black sheet. It was a strange experience to realize that it was tangled up in mine, black and silvery white contrasting starkly against each other.

His breathing was slow and steady and he smelled delicious. I couldn’t help pressing my nose deeper into his shoulder and taking a deep breath.

My movement must have woken him, because his chest rumbled and I could feel him stretch out a little bit.

For as big as he was and for all that I was pretty much completely tucked underneath him, I didn’t feel smothered or weighted down. I felt safe, like anything that came through the door would have to go through him first. It was an unusual feeling, one that I could definitely get used to. I had been on my own for a very long time.

As he stretched, I felt his long hardness press into my stomach and a sudden wave of lust hit me unexpectedly.

Startled by the intense feeling, I unconsciously pressed up against him and moaned. He stilled and growled, locking me in place, pressing his hips harder against me. He slid down after a minute, where he seemed to be trying to get control of himself, rubbing his long form fully against me until his face was lined up with mine.

And finally, he kissed me. It was not a gentle kiss. I think we had both been taken aback of the lust that was flaring hard between us. Before, I had openly allowed my feelings to show, but he had kept himself so tightly contained.

His tongue slipped between my lips and his flavor burst into my mouth. Sharp, intense, warm, it was everything I had imagined. His teeth nipped at my lips and his tongue forced itself in and out of my lips like I knew we were imagining other parts of our bodies doing. His hands had slid into my hair and held my head in place as he absolutely ruined me with that good morning kiss.

My nipples were beaded and every time they brushed against his chest, a new bolt of pure, undiluted heat shot down between my legs. I couldn’t help the noises I was making.

Still kissing me, one of his big hands took one of my breasts in hand, kneading and plucking at the nipple, rolling the silver bars of my piercings back and forth. I cocked my knee around his hip, doing my best to rub up against him as much as he would let me.

At that point I think I had started keening. He was still kissing me, overwhelming any thought processes I might have had. All I could think about was getting closer. I had just waited so long for this moment.

The hand on my breast dropped down my stomach and I felt his fingers gently feather over the slight scar that was all that had been left behind by the sword. I had glimpsed it in the bathroom last night and it was nowhere near as horrendous as I expected.

His fingers didn’t linger, dipping between my legs and finding my wetness, stroking quickly between my lower lips, finding my clitoris and not hesitating to rub circles around it. Unexpectedly he thrust a finger inside of me, crooking it up to rub against that spot that made my mind explode. He added a second finger and set a hard rhythm, alternately thrusting inside of me and rubbing at my clit.

It didn’t take long for me to explode on his hand. I managed a sharp “Bat..!” into his mouth before riding the waves of my orgasm out against him.

He didn’t give me much time to recover. His mouth, which had been eating mine, started sucking its way down my neck and across my sternum. Both his hands rose to cup my breasts and tweak my nipples. Neither of my breasts made even a single handful, but he seemed fascinated with them. His mouth went down my stomach, diving directly between my legs to suck up the wash of my orgasm.

Sucking hard on my clit, he brought me again. Thrusting his tongue inside of me, he tried to lap up everything my body produced.

When my body had come down the second time, I looked down to find him resting against my thigh, his lips still extremely close to my white thatch of pubic hair. His hand was stroking my stomach over my scar.

“Are you feeling alright, Cetren? We didn’t push you too hard?”

My lids felt heavy and I caught my lower lip with my teeth. We weren’t done yet, but I was touched that his concern was for my health and my needs.

Using my thighs, I rolled him over, sitting up to straddle his chest. I had startled him. His eyes were wide and I could tell he wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I lifted myself to my knees and wiggled my way down his chest.

He had made me come twice. I was in no rush, as much as I wanted to feel that huge cock stretch me wide and hard. I settled myself between his legs and gave myself the pleasure of touching him for the first time.

As soft as his skin was, his member was even softer. Steel encased in pure silk. There were at least nine full inches in front of my nose and I wasn’t quite sure where all it would fit inside of me. But I had faith that I could manage to do it.

I wrapped a hand around his base and cupped his cool balls in my other hands, rolling them gently between my fingers. He grunted and pulled his knees up to give me more room.

I liked how he was slightly curved and after pumping my fist over his perfection a few times, I allowed myself to lean up and slip the thick tip into my mouth.

He tasted good everywhere. I lapped at the head of his cock, enjoying the bit of liquid already oozing out of the top. Slowly, lazily even, I took him deeper into my mouth, slowly letting my throat muscles loosen up to take him all the way down the back of my throat. I couldn’t hold it for very long, it had been too long since I had done that and I really wasn’t in my top shape, but I could tell he appreciated the effort.

Treating him almost like one of the ice cream cones I had loved so much as a kid, I licked and sucked and stroked. I had my arms over his thighs to hold him in place, though I knew that if he really wanted to throw me off, it would be fairly easy. He was too big for me to really think that I could manage to hold him in place.

He managed to grunt a warning at me, but I kept at him as he exploded in my mouth. Drinking him down, I enjoyed every last drop, ringing every second of pleasure from him that I could.

I let him slip from my mouth with a slight pop and couldn’t help the grin that settled on my face. I pulled myself up a bit and rest my chin on his stomach.

“So sweet Bat, are you feeling courted yet?”

That brought an abrupt laugh out of him and I enjoyed watching him come back into himself.

I think we were both pretty pleased with ourselves.

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Copyright Justified Medea

Unexpected Once More – Part 4

Note from author: This is the fourth part of an eight part story, which is a follow up to my previous erotic short The Unexpected. You don’t need to have read The Unexpected to follow this, but it might help. You can find the first part here. As always, this is erotic romance, so…explicit sex, at least eventually. If you’re easily offended…then don’t read this! Espionage in space, aliens, cultural differences and love, what more could you need? Enjoy!

I wasn’t sure where Bat planned to move me. I knew I was on his battle cruiser, but I assumed that he would assign me one of the small guest quarters that was pretty standard across the galaxy.

So I was surprised when he came back with the same Xe’e’dUn woman I had seen before and they spoke over me like I wasn’t even present. The woman shoved Bat out of the room under protest so that she could remove the IV and the catheter that I had only vaguely noticed. I was grateful for the semblance of privacy. Nothing like having the man you were madly in love with declare his intentions to allow you to court him and then have him see your catheter removed.

She checked my vitals one last time, shook her finger at me and said something in a stream of flowing x’chi that I didn’t understood and left.

Bat came back in and without saying anything, pulled the bars on the side of the bed down and, picked me up and gently cradled me against his chest. The woman came back in to help him tuck the blankets around me and out the door we went.

Bat’s smooth strides never jolted me at all. We passed crew members who all stepped out of the way and who gave polite nods or salutes to their captain. None seemed to even blink at the strange sight of the captain carrying a human woman in his arms in nothing but a standard type of hospital gown and some blankets.

I was grateful for the blankets; I was sure that my ass was hanging out the back of the hospital gown. Some things were universal apparently.

I let myself relax against Bat’s wide chest and closed my eyes. I figured it would take me a while to learn the ship anyway and trying to memorize where we were going now would only make my head hurt. And besides, I was too busy enjoying being carried by Bat. I let my head rest against his chest and listened to his heart beat steadily under my ear.

I had almost drifted off again when I heard a door swoosh open and we entered what I assumed would be my quarters for the next few weeks.

Instead what I found was what were obviously Bat’s own quarters.

We entered a front sitting room that was bigger than my apartment back on Earth. A collection of low slung couches and seating was spread through the room. It made sense that the captain of a ship would have a large front room for meetings and other matters. There were very few personal touches here and the colors were soothingly neutral.

We moved further back and walked through several other smaller rooms that included a kitchen and a more personal living area to what must be the bedroom.

The Xe’e’dUn reminded me of the Asian races on Earth. They were very sparse and clean when it came to their decorating. Bat’s bed was big…though it looked more like a futon that sat tucked back into the corner on the floor, hidden behind an intricately designed privacy screen. Wood flooring was a luxury item on a battle cruiser and I wondered at Bat’s standing. Beyond being a captain, I knew little of his career. Thick carpets were spread throughout and there was a small shrine tucked back in a niche with a rack of swords in pride of place. Beautiful and soothing calligraphic paintings hung on the walls and the overall sense I took was one of peace.

Bat walked us to the bed, behind the screen and gently went to his knees to tuck me into the middle, under the warm, soft blankets that smelled like him.

“Go back to sleep, Mnh Cetren, I need to go take care of some things, but I will be back when you wake up again. Emy Gerel said to not move about yet, to get more sleep. Your incision is healed, but your body is still recovering.”

He leaned down and ran his nose down my cheek. We hadn’t even kissed yet. It hadn’t even sunk in that he was as interested in me as I was in him. And yet here I was, in his bed, with his promises that he would be back. He made sure one last time that the blankets were secure and he got up and left. It didn’t take me long, even in my state of wonder, to let my heavy lids close once more.

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I awoke to dim lights, firmly tucked up against Bat’s side. I had no idea how much time had passed, but Bat was not wearing any clothing that I could feel and his spicy, warm scent filled my nose.

My head was buried in his side, my body nestled in as close as it could be. He was turned slightly towards me and the full expanse of his hairless, pearly blue chest was on display. My hand, splayed across his firm, well-muscled stomach, and I sleepily ran my fingers along the groove of his six pack. I had dreamed about that stomach and it was even better than I imagined it would be.

Xe’e’dUn anatomy was pretty close to human. Some geneticists thought the Xe’e’dUn were responsible for our own race, leaving behind genetic material millennia ago. I decided not to let my good fortune of finding myself in this position go.

I traced his stomach with my fingers and let my eyes roam upwards. Bat had been reading, an electronic reader held in his other hand, braced on his stomach. His stomach muscles tightened at my exploration and the shape of his nipples hardened delightfully.

A pair of spectacles were perched on his nose and my heart rolled over in my chest. That was unexpected.

I couldn’t imagine how I looked, still in my hospital gown, after being asleep for…goodness, I realized I didn’t even know how long I had been out. If the wound in my stomach was healed fully, it hadn’t just been a few days. And gods above knew how I smelled.

But I was too content for the moment to care too much. It was enough that I found myself here, in Bat’s arms. If he didn’t care, why should I? The top part of my hair was down and messily covered my upper body. The hand curled around my body, anchoring me against him, was twisting and playing with a few random strands.

Xe’e’dUn skin felt softer than human skin, it was almost a velvety texture. Rubbing my fingers against bat was a sensual experience and I was aware of the bulge growing under the blankets. But I was in no rush. He had asked to be courted after all.

I also still wasn’t sure how my own body was doing. Reluctantly, still not having said a word, I sat up. Bat curved around my hips, now shifting to rest his head on one hand as he looked up at me.

I stretched my arms up over my body and stretched, taking stock of how I really felt.

Definitely not at peak condition. I could tell that my muscles hadn’t been worked hard in a while. But my stomach, other than feeling tender, like the skin was still new, actually felt OK.

My head felt clear and I seemed at least somewhat clean. Someone must have been sponging me down. I found that I still had a hair band on my wrist, I usually did, never really went without one, but whoever had taken care of me, must have realized what it was and left it be. I combed my fingers through my hair, which seemed a little bit longer than it had been, and twisted it into a quick braid and then into a thick bun. The sides and back of my head definitely needed a trimmer.

“You were down for three human weeks.” He must have read my mind.

“The doctors decided that keeping you in a coma while the nano technology had time to work on you was for the best. There was no point in forcing you through the pain of recovery. Emy Gerel said that you could resume normal activities as you felt like you were able.”

“Do you know what I would really like?”

It almost felt like Bat purred, but his only visual answer was a twitched nostril. Good to know that even in weak form, I could still make my quiet Captain twitch just a bit.

“I would really love a shower.”

“That, Mnh Cetren, we can arrange.”

Without a thought to his modesty, Bat stood up, unconsciously displaying, well, everything, fully naked except for the spectacles still perched on his nose.

The breath was knocked right out of me. I mean, I had suspected, but…seeing it in real life was almost overwhelming.

Slim lines, beautiful muscle tone, long thighs, tight hips, and a, well, large male appendage that hung semi hard between his thighs. He stretched his arms up, proudly displaying himself before me. Dark velvety eyes taking in my own reaction to his body. His arousal hardened even further, pulling up against his belly. It was slightly curved and begged to be in my mouth. My mouth might have been openly watering at this point, but I was too distracted by him to think about it.

He was tall, at least seven and a half feet tall and even though he was slenderer and leaner in his build than some of the Xe’e’dUn males I had seen before, he still dwarfed me. And that was a weird sensation for me. I was usually at least as tall, if not taller than the men around me.

And then he did something that pushed me over the edge. My quiet, possessed Captain with the unexpected exhibitionist streak, gave me a slow, self-satisfied smile.

With one last stretch, he bent down and picked me up again. Walking through a door I hadn’t noticed, we walked into a nicely sized bathroom. Being a captain had its perks.

Setting me on a circular sink, he reached over to the wall and hit a button on a panel, causing a panel in the wall to open, revealing a fairly typical shower stall. He turned on the water and then turned to me. My ass was still hanging out of the back of the gown, but that didn’t matter for long, because without asking, Bat whipped the ugly sack like thing over my head, exposing me fully to his gaze.

I’ve never been particularly shy and at this point, there was no reason to play the fearful maiden. I let him look his fill, only a little self-conscious. I wasn’t really sure what I looked like after having a sword shoved through me and being put in a medically induced coma for three weeks.

My breasts are small, a B cup on a good day. I have slender hips and even though I’m usually toned and tight from constantly working to stay in top form (hey, you never know what tight places I might have to force my way through, there had been that chimney in Old New York that one time and that air shaft on Mecha One…), but my figure usually resembles more of a high school boy than a fully adult woman.

My arms are covered in tattoos, well really they’re everywhere. My back is covered as well, one wraps around my left thigh and my lower back, I have smaller ones across my fingers and hidden behind my ears. At the moment, the only piercings I had in were the bars through my nipples and those seemed to have caught Bat’s attention.

His big hands reached out and traced my breasts, making my heart beat hard and my inner feminine muscles clench. He traced the iron bars, seemingly fascinated by the metal piercings. My own nipples had hardened and his light touches were causing fire to shoot down into my stomach.

His skin tone was a beautiful pearly cerulean blue and his velvety skin caught against mine, forcing a gasp from my mouth. His eyes came back to mine and this time, his smile took on a self-satisfied smirkish quality that had a hint of teeth to it. The Xe’e’dUn have much sharper teeth than humans and that little hint of teeth made it even worse, because now I was thinking about his teeth on my nipples.

Naked, he lifted me again, this time, so that my legs went around his front and my arms went around his neck. We both sucked in a breath at the first contact of our fully naked bodies. I could feel his member brushing gently between my legs and I fought hard to resist the urge to let myself sink down.

He stepped us into the shower, protecting me from the full impact of the hot water. Letting my legs slide down, he supported me for the first time I had stood in a while. With his arms around me, my feet took my full weight and I had a moment of vertigo while I adjusted. But it…felt good. The water was hot and felt great against my skin.

For all the lust between us, it was nice to just stand there in his arms and soak in the water. Unfortunately, water conservation is always important on a space ship, so I knew I couldn’t stay there for very long. Bat’s hands gently started moving over me with some sort of sharp smelling soap and I was content to stand and let him explore my body as he washed me. He even loosened my hair and carefully washed it, running his big hands through it all, massaging my scalp. I didn’t have a lot of energy, but I was able to return the favor by soaping him up in return. He kept his touches firm and impersonal, even when washing between my legs. It still felt good though and I could see the promise for more later.

By the time he hauled us back out and rubbed me down with a towel and combed my hair out, I was exhausted once more. He tucked me back into bed, as naked as he was this time. And then, climbing in beside me this time, he pulled the blankets over both of us. He reached a long arm out and turned off the light. And there in the quiet darkness, I felt like I had come home for the first time in a very long while.

Copyright Justified Medea