The Weaving – Part 2

Author’s Note: This is the second part of a longer piece of Snape/Hermione fanfiction, read part 1 first!

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me! They are not mine! I didn’t think them up! I am not making any money off of them! I just take them out of the box and play with them a little bit here and there.

He should be in his office.

She might as well get it over with. She began making her way to the dungeons, easily avoiding everyone she passed in the hallways with the invisibility cloak she had stolen from Harry.

The air became danker and damper the further down she went. She passed fewer students in the hallway. Her heart, which had never really calmed down from the casting itself, had started pounding again. This was it, he was going to know something at least and there was nothing she could do about it.

Was it possible for your heart to be broken before it truly belonged to someone else? He was going to laugh at her. What could a silly little know it all possibly have to interest him?

Things had been getting steadily worse lately. The final battle had to come soon. She only hoped they had had enough time to do everything they needed to.

She stopped in front of his door, letting the cloak fall off and taking a deep breath before knocking. She didn’t wait for him to tell her to enter.

Opening the door, she moved swiftly. He was glaring at her as she came through, but a look of surprise came over his face as she entered and moved towards him without his permission.

He got out, “Miss. Granger, what do you…” and began moving for his wand, which was in his sleeve, just a second too late before she got close enough to sweep the net over him, letting it settle over as much of him as was exposed in his chair. He froze, caught in its power, with a surprised look on his face.

She let herself relax, the hard part was over. She could almost smile at the stunned look his face was caught in.

“I’m horribly sorry, professor.” She spoke softly. “It won’t last long and it’s only to help you.” She moved forward so that she was directly in front of him.

“I hope you’ll understand later.”

She bent down and kissed his forehead to seal the spell, taking a second to breathe in the scent of him and savor his flesh on her lips. Pulling back only a millimeter she began the final bindings.

Twisting her hands in the air, miming what she had done to create the shining net the first time, “Mine to yours,” she bent down further to place a soft kiss on his lips. “Yours to mine,” she could feel the power of her work pulsing between them. She bent down further to place another kiss right at the base of his throat, nearly crying now at being so close to what she really wanted. “Meas pectas te adfero, quid sentes, contrecto et partes et capio, fine.” She didn’t dare look him in the eyes.

With the last word and a final kiss, she pressed her hand directly over where his heart was on top of his robes, she felt the magic she had just woven come completely together, encasing him, also connecting fully back into her, almost as if a string was strung between them, pulling tightly.

It was like taking a huge punch to the gut. She had to reach out to steady herself on the desk to try and absorb it and remember how to breathe again. It was almost as if everything that she had pulled out of herself to make the spell in the first place had rushed back to her all in one pull, nearly making her pass out at the Professor’s feet. The only thing that kept her upright was the realization that she couldn’t be anywhere near him when he was able to move again, which would be soon.

She recovered herself as best she could before straightening up, “My apologies once again Professor, but I hope it will help you and…” she nearly began sobbing, “it will help, it has to help! Just…when you’re doing what you have to do,” and this time she looked him right in those deep black eyes, “know that it will give you the space that you need, you can count on that.”

Without looking back, she nearly ran out the door. She had other things to finish that night.

Here for You by Usagistu

Copyright Justified Medea

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