The Weaving – Part 3

Author’s Note: This is the third part of a longer piece of Snape/Hermione fanfiction, read part 1 first!

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me! They are not mine! I didn’t think them up! I am not making any money off of them! I just take them out of the box and play with them a little bit here and there.

Severus Snape was stunned, literally and figuratively.

He had been annoyed when someone had knocked so persistently on his door. One would think the idiots would know better than to come to his office hours. He was going to be particularly unpleasant to whoever it was. He hoped the eyes of the creatures in the jars behind him looked like they were watching everything more so than usual today.

He wasn’t surprised when Hermione Granger came through the door. He was surprised by the determined look on her face as she moved swiftly towards him without his explicit invitation that she come sit in the uncomfortable chair in front of his desk.

He had known something was wrong when she moved around his desk. Was she going to try and kill him? Was she imperioed? Something was not right. That was when he went for his wand. He realized that he was a split second too late when her hands made a motion like she was throwing a blanket over him and he felt some heavy, something warm and moving settle on top of him, snaring him in place.

The Miss. Granger he knew would never have acted this way. Miss. Granger was always polite, waited for permission to come closer, was only over eager for answers to her questions. Miss. Granger was sexier than hell.

Where had that thought come from?

He felt an outpouring of power settle over him and he couldn’t move. He didn’t know what to expect. He only hoped that she made it quick. Wouldn’t they laugh to hear that he had been done in by a school girl after all these years.

Damn the girl! When it was so close to the end. When he had finally managed to set such a perfect plan on getting the Order to Voldemort. Just when he had begun noticing her as the woman she had become, she was going to betray them? Severus Snape felt his withered heart, which had only started beating once more for the first time in years, stop again at the sharp betrayal. Of anyone to do it…her?

And then she had begun speaking.

“I’m horribly sorry Professor. It won’t last long and it’s only to help you. I hope you’ll understand later.”

Understand that she was trying to kill him? There wouldn’t be a later!

And then she had started casting something and her actions had stunned him again. Though this time much more figuratively speaking.

When she kissed his forehead, he wished he could close his eyes and savor the feel of her soft lips like he had only dreamed about late at night when no one else was there. Dreams that he had locked in his mind as deep and as far as he could bury them to make sure that Voldemort never saw them.

“Mine to yours.” Kiss. This time those lips were placed on his. Oh what he wouldn’t have given to open his mouth against hers and taste that mouth in the way that it truly deserved.

“Yours to mine.” Kiss. The base of his throat, he could feel his heart start trying to beat its way out of his chest. And her hair….so close to his face he could feel its softness, smell the soft cinnamon and clove scent of her in his nose.

If she was killing him, there was no sweeter way that she could do it.

“Meas pectas te adfero, quid sentes, contrecto et partes et capio, fine.” He began translating in his mind as she kissed him right above his heart. Could she feel it pounding against her lips? “I give my heart to you, everything you feel, I take and share, Fine.”

What could this mean? What had she thrown over him? Why could he feel her heart beating with his? As she finished the spell he felt whatever it was that she had thrown over him seemingly tighten and for a second it was like their two bodies merged and existed together in the moment. It literally took his breath away when he could feel the surge of power push through her, into him, and back into her once again.

He was more than slightly bewildered now. He had expected to be in excruciating pain or worse, dead, by this point. When she had stunned him he expected the worse, but it almost seemed as if she might be saying….

No, not possible.

What was she doing? This wasn’t like anything he had ever seen before…but something nagged him in the back of his mind. What was it that he knew…?

She was speaking again. “My apologies once again Professor, but I hope it will help you and… it will help, it has to help! Just…when you’re doing what you have to do, know that it will give you the space that you need, you can count on that.”

She nearly fled the room. And here he was still stuck. He hoped no one else happened to wander by to see him this way.

He tried focusing on the feeling of the web that she threw over him. He couldn’t see it any longer, but he could still feel its throbbing in his very bones. He concentrated on the beat of the pulse, letting himself lose sight of the room and the feeling of being trapped in his chair. The rhythm was hypnotizing, he focused on the slow steady beat and slowly lost himself in its sound.

He suddenly realized he could see her still running down hallways, her bushy hair flying behind her until she suddenly ran into something, or rather someone. She emitted a squawk and ended up being supported by whoever it was, he couldn’t quite tell.

He experienced an intense surge of jealousy for whoever held her so close, which he would find rather odd at a later time.

That’s when he fell out of the chair. He gave an undignified squawk and picked himself awkwardly off the floor.

The vision disappeared. Whatever was holding him dissipated and he was once again able to control his own bodily movements.

Then his arm started burning and that thought, that little niggling thought that had been in the back of his head…also disappeared with his need to answer the summons of his other master.

Here for You by usagistu

Copyright Justified Medea

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