The Weaving – Part 1

Author’s Note: This is probably the only piece of fanfiction I will ever post here (probably). Originally started back in 2009 or 2010, I didn’t actually finish it until fairly recently. It was originally published on and is still up over there if you want to read it in full immediately (I warn you, the editing isn’t quite there…). Professor Snape will always be one of my all time favorite anti-heroes. I always fall for the bad guys with the more complicated motives. They are so much more interesting than the white knight type of characters. Good guys are too easy. When we were first introduced to Snape in that very first book, I believed fully in his motives. I had faith that J.K. Rowling wouldn’t let us down by just making him an evil villain. There was so much more to Snape than that and of course, J.K. did not let us down. This piece is not canon, it doesn’t follow the books, it was, in fact, written originally before the final book was even out. I love Hermione as well and hate that she ended up with Ron. It gave me some relief when a while back, Ms. Rowling stated that she had made a mistake by having Hermione marry Ron. Of course, I don’t see her with Harry either, but with Snape. This is not the most amazing piece of Snape/Hermione fiction out there…in fact, in the end, I will post links to some of my all time favorites, but I am pleased with how it came out. Sometimes I sit down and can see everything take shape before hand, and this was one of those. I hope you enjoy! This piece is almost 10,000 words and is complete. I will post it in several parts. Thanks so much for reading.

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me! They are not mine! I didn’t think them up! I am not making any money off of them! I just take them out of the box and play with them a little bit here and there.

The magic was flowing through her like music. Her eyes were tightly shut, her fingers dancing quickly, weaving…something.

It was almost like being hypnotized, being so focused and concentrated on what one was doing that you lost all sense of time and space. All she knew was the magic and the rhythm that it was forcibly pulsing through her body.

She had never expected it to feel this way, when she decided to do this particular work. Maybe it was the power she was working with. Maybe it was her intent. Maybe it was the emotion that caused all of it. Maybe it was a combination of everything and for all that she could feel her power draining right out of her, it didn’t matter one little bit. It was for him.

She loved him.

Loved him, loved him, loved him. The knowledge beat through her body with her heartbeat and the power she was creating, weaving, forcing to take shape in the complicated work in front of her.

Her hair stood out, golden light sparking through its curly brown strands. Lights gently pulsed from her fingers, being twisted and turned into something tangible between her hands. Anyone who might have walked in on her would have thought that she was a nimbus of light herself, not that she was only channeling it.

She had come across the spell when she had been searching for something to help Harry. It hadn’t even occurred to her that something like this existed, that you could do something like this. She had known immediately that she had to do it.

She was unaware that hours passed, that people worried about where she had disappeared to. Nothing else mattered but doing this for him. She knew that the end was coming, that while Harry might have a small chance of surviving, he had absolutely none.

This might give him a small chance. Might give her a small chance.

What would she do without him? She didn’t have time for all the things she wanted to say and do… he would never know. She wouldn’t be able to bear that.

Her throat grew sore with the singing that she was unaware that she had started somewhere in the third hour of the work.

And then, she was done.

Her eyes opened, her hands cramped, and somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered if she would ever have anything left in her to give to any other magical work. She felt drained, empty, like she had given absolutely everything that was possible to give. Days might have passed while she sat in this tower room and she didn’t care. She smiled tiredly, hoping that that meant that it would work as it was supposed to and then looked at what she had created.

What appeared to be a glowing net spread across the tower floor in front of her, glowing like she had woven together sunlight in a tapestry of him. Swirls and patterns danced through the glowing energy lines creating images that burned behind one’s eyelids. Images of his robes swirling around corners, of his glares over cauldrons, of the small smile she had once caught from him when Malfoy had managed to blow up his potion and turn himself into a rhododendron that evangelized about the powers of muggle chocolate bars.

Everything she knew about him. Everything that she had learned from him, existed in this creation.

Underneath all of it was everything she felt and hoped and dreamed. If one really concentrated on all the flowing lines and all the many stories that this tapestry told, one could catch quick glances of a lean body pulling a smaller, softer one beneath him. Could see long slim hands slipping and caressing smooth silky skin and rounded curves. Could catch tongues forcibly dueling against each other and hands grasping at each other’s bodies and a get a sense of a deep, pounding, throbbing kineticism between two bodies…

She nearly wept at how much it told about her as well as him. She sighed and calmed herself with the fact that no one was going to see this, not even him. At least not for long enough to study it and see what she saw clearly. She hoped that he wouldn’t even realize it for what it was.

She still had to get it on him though. The thought of that nearly scared her as much as the thought of actually attempting to do this working in the first place. She had known going into this that if anything went wrong she would at least end up in the spell damage ward at St. Mungoes, but that hadn’t deterred her.

Now she had to approach him. Really the hardest part. She hoped he didn’t kill her for what she had to do. And if he ever figured out what it was…her heart stopped for a second. She reassured herself that he never would. She knew he would see her love as nothing more than a school girl crush on a professor. She didn’t think she could bear to see the snide pitying look he would give her if he had any idea of how she felt.

She might have graduated with honors and grown up, but she was sure he would never see anything more in her than that young, know-it-all muggle girl with big teeth.

She was so tired, she couldn’t even manage a sniffle at the thought.

She stood up, stretching out her joints, hearing her back pop and crack itself back into alignment. Bending down she gently picked the shining net up with her fingertips and folded it over her arm like a fisherman’s net. She wouldn’t have more than a moment to properly cast this and she couldn’t afford to let things get tangled up. It didn’t feel like a real net at all, more like a blanket of heat and energy. But she didn’t want to take the change that something might go wrong at the final moment.

Throwing Harry’s cloak over her shoulders, she undid the wards she had placed on the door and walked out.

Here for You by Usagistu

Copyright Justified Medea


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